Since the take-off of this project in 2009, we always have rigorously followed the Japanese traditional breeding methods with the consultation of a Japanese expert.
Wagyu is often associated with beer and massage. Let's debunk this myth by confirming that in the big Wagyu breeding farms in Japan, neither beer nor massages are given.
wagyu breeding
Wagyu cattle breeding is divided into four distinctive phases: weaning, growth, fattening, and finishing. Since the birth, a steer Wagyu needs from 30 to 33 months of live to reach the weight of maturity (750 kilograms).
The calves spend the first three months of their lives into single boxes next to their mothers in order to have access, naturally, to the early breast milk. It is essential for a correct development of the immune system.
Wagyu breeding is known for being extensive, where the livestock feed ration is tailor made depending on the age and on the sex of the single animal. In fact, Wagyu are dry fed, with a high protein-based integration and a focused control on the vitamins which determine the meat color.

wagyu x angus
In addition to Wagyu, Ca’ Negra breeds the Black Angus, the ‘Marezzata’ (‘Marbled’) which is a crossing between a Black Angus and a Wagyu, Charolaise and Limousine, that are two French breeds.
Since 2012 we have been raising Black Angus. This particular breed easily adapts to our climate and does not suffer the harsh winters that hit our regions. The beef has a strong and intense flavor generated by the fat infiltrations and by a cautious and balanced diet. The term F1 Wagyu is also known as Crossbreed Wagyu, and it derives from the mating of a Japanese cow/bull with an Angus or a Holstein-Friesian. Meat wise, the result is a more juicy and higher marbled beef compared to the traditional one. Palatable, the beef bursts out a refined and persistent taste. This product is ideal for the people who want to gradually approach the Wagyu world.

sustainable breeding
Our family farm utterly supports the respect of the animal wellbeing, hence all the situations that could lead to environmental stress are reduced, and the animal is affected positively.
read more about us →

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